In a terrifying tale of the “American Dream” gone wrong, four friends find themselves trapped in their hometown in “The Crazies,” a reinvention of the George Romero classic. David Dutton is sheriff of Ogden Marsh, a picture-perfect American town with happy, law-abiding citizens. But one night, one of them comes to a school baseball game with a loaded shotgun, ready to kill. Another man burns down his house after locking his wife and young son in a closet inside. Something is infecting the citizens of Ogden Marsh…with insanity. The few still sane find themselves trapped: Sheriff Dutton; his pregnant wife, Judy; Becca, an assistant at the medical center; and Russell, Dutton’s deputy and right-hand man. Forced to band together, an ordinary night becomes a struggle for survival as they try to get out of town alive.IMDB: